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Does kombucha contain alcohol?

Pineapple kombucha Philippines
Introducing the Philippines to kombucha, one blog post at a time

It is perhaps one of the most common questions asked "Is there alcohol in my kombucha?" and the answer is much more complex than a simple "yes".

In short, yes there is some alcohol present in naturally fermented kombucha (unlike the pasteurized "fake" kombucha brands imported from overseas) but the amount is minimum and usually less than 0.05% ABV.

You see, alcohol is the natural byproduct of fermentation. As the yeast consumes and ferments sugar to produce CO2 and ethanol (along with that distinct probiotic tang and fizziness), some alcohol remains in the final product.

However, kombucha is self-limiting to how much alcohol it can produce and the trace amount of alcohol can vary from brew to brew but will never be as high compared to beer or wine.

Does that mean you can get drunk from kombucha?

Realistically, no.

While it is possible to get a buzz from kombucha, it is unlikely you will get drunk from it. Most kombucha brands you will find available in Manila and the Philippines are homebrewed and usually contain as little as 0.05% ABV which is equivalent to eating an extremely ripe piece of mango.

The brands from overseas (the USA and Australia) have been pasteurized to kill off the healthy bacteria and yeasts in order to stop the natural fermentation process in favor of shelflife and stability.

Kombucha is considered alive and will continue to ferment unless you kill off one of the natural fermentation cycles (yeast or bacteria).

However, when you do this, in my honest opinion, this simply becomes a commercially available soda, regardless of what their marketing team tries to brainwash you with their labels.

Can I drink kombucha while I am pregnant or sensitive to alcohol?

First of all, congratulations to all mothers-to-be!

Since our kombucha is raw and unpasteurized, trace amounts of alcohol are present in our brews. Therefore those who are sensitive to alcohol may choose to avoid it.

Alcohol in kombucha is low, but as with any product, if you have questions or are concerned, we advise you to contact your doctor for a medical opinion.

Can children and infants drink kombucha?

Determining whether to offer kombucha to children is a personal choice. Contrary to what many people believe, children actually love the tangy fizziness right away!

We do recommend starting off with a small amount of kombucha, usually, 1 to 2 ounces mixed with, or followed by water.

Kombucha is a natural product, and like other fermented foods, it has been consumed worldwide for centuries.

Kombucha is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and probiotic fizziness that is not only wholesome and natural but tastes great too! And furthermore, compared to the high-fructose corn syrup junk they consume from popular commercial sodas, it is in our opinion, a much healthier alternative!

Child drinking kombucha in Manila

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