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Kombucha for Acne and Skin Impurities

I was getting frustrated with my outbreak of zits

Lock-down frustration

Being stuck at home for more than a month with only supermarkets and fast-food at my disposal, it has been impossible for me to get access to my trusted skincare products. Because of stress, poor diet (guilty), and hormones, I soon found myself with zits.

I don't really mind, normally it's not a big deal. They usually come and go, and admittedly, I take pleasure to pop them! However, during this Covid19 lock-down in Manila they seem to appear a little too often than I'd prefer and I felt helpless and rather in despair. Normally, easily accessible skincare products will reduce these but right now, with another 2 additional weeks put in place I needed to take preventative measures...

My eureka moment to my acne outbreak

a Customer recommendation

Luckily, last week one of our clients asked if we could send him plain kombucha as it's the main ingredient for his (crazily expensive) skincare product that he bought on his trip to Singapore. His skin was immaculate so it must be doing something right!

This was what I exactly needed, and I was kicking myself not having thought of this all-natural cure to acne and zits, which for obvious reasons, I have an abundance of! After all, I have over 120L of beautiful kombucha SCOBIES doing their fermentation thing at any given day! That gave me an idea to try it myself and use it for my face. Let's face it, right now I've got nothing to lose and a whole lot more to gain!

Basic ingredients is all you need

It is so easy!

Using kombucha as a skincare product couldn't be easier! There is no need to use strange ingredients that we can't even pronounce properly. All we need is good 'ol plain kombucha and some cotton balls. You simply take a cotton ball, wet it with plain kombucha, which this time I used our Green Goddess (Which is a 100% blend of 3 types of green tea with no additional sugars from fruit infusions, preventing unwanted stickiness).

All you do is use this wet cotton ball and use it to clean your face. Just let it sit for 5-10 minutes, rinse off with fresh water, and voila! You are done!!!

Having tried this, you may feel a little stinging sensation especially if you have broken skin, but it's completely safe. It is similar to using products with apple cider vinegar sans the strong sour odor. Also kombucha is rich in probiotics which helps to rejuvenate your skin topically!

Inspired by the results

The huge pimple on my face dried up after one use and after just a day or so, it completely disappeared. As an additional bonus I noticed my skin feeling less oily. Nonetheless, for the next time, I will try our more potent green tea kombucha that is aged and fully fermented for almost 3 months (meaning there is zero sugar). It is a little more acidic than the kombucha we use for consumption but milder in comparison to let's say Apple Cider Vinegar.

DIY Kombucha Face Masks

Also we have tried a few DIY kombucha face masks which were the BOMB!!! There is nothing better than sit back boost your immunity with a nice glass of homemade Turmeric Tea, a good book and simply rejuvenate!

Absolutely loved it and will be happy to share the recipe with you! Just comment below and I'll send it your way!

Yes, I made Jerry try our kombucha face mask!

Using kombucha for your skin care is not backed by clinical trials, however, with a little research online and from personal trials, many people have benefited greatly by this natural home remedy. As always, we will not recommend anything that may harm you and would never recommend anything we have not tried or believe in. Nonetheless, we have to tell you to try at your own discretion.

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